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great trip!


Hey, I'm a huge fan of both Japan and your blog. Just wanted to say, love the pictures, the descriptions of food, and the epic send-off! To me, friendly locals and authentic indigenous cuisine almost always make a trip work.


Love the sendoff. I wonder if the locals ever get tired of it, though.

Have you ever tried ginger (fresh, dried, candied...) for motion sickness? It's supposed to be as effective as Dramamine.


Thanks Kat!

Sharon, those two factors are very important to me too. Add pretty scenery and that's all I need!

Aspasia, I wondered that too. But they seemed genuinely enthusiastic, and since most of them work in the tourism industry and there's a good chance that their customers are on the ferry, I don't think they mind. Apparently the island has a very high rate of repeat visitors, and the send-off is one reason.

I've read that studies are inconclusive so have avoided trying ginger for sea sickness, because I always get sick on the water and the medication I take (not sure if it's Dramamine or not) always works (provided I get the timing right). I've been on a LOT of boats and let me tell you, being seasick can absolutely ruin a trip. I just don't want to risk an alternative treatment not working. That said, when I was sick this time I REALLY wished I'd brought some ginger tea or tablets as a backup. Or Seabands (which oddly aren't used in Japan).

By the way, I was kind of looking forward to trying ginger as a cure for morning sickness but never got sick enough to bother.

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